I want to be honest.........

The last three months have felt like they way Shane and I look in these photos. (EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!) We have had things that have stretched us and have made us better people! But, it was hard! Very hard!
1. It all started with a little something that happens between a man and a wife.....martial discord. You see, these fifteen years of marriage have been blissful. Shane and I have always gotten over things quickly. We have done stupid things, but got over them. I was the one to blame this time. A thing that can happen to anyone, if your not watching carefully. It hurt us. I have never felt so sad, that I hurt US! Of course, my husband took action....rekindled our feelings of being FOREVER....and since then have worked even harder of making US important! He's amazing that way! I work hard to tell him sweet nothings and focus on US. Be Careful....Satan is out to break the FAMILY up!
2. My counselors from primary were taken away from me in August. I was told that I was to stay and put a primary program together....without them! And, then I would be released. I felt punished! I got the very best woman in our ward to help me. Sister Chelsie Bishop. We did the best we could. It wasn't the best program I have done. The primary program was tooooo looonnngggg! But....the children were so great! All of them had their parts memorized.
I was released two weeks ago. I felt like a load was lifted, yet I miss the load. I mostly miss teaching the children. Time to learn something else. That is how His church works. Learning and growing.
3. Beginning of Sept. my sweet husband had a terrible reaction to ACCUTANE. He was feeling so nervous that he couldn't sleep at night. He immediately went to the doctor and was told not to take it anymore. It took a good six weeks of that nasty medicine to leave his body. That is always a challenge when a spouse is not feeling well. That experience made our marriage even stronger.
4. School starting is always a busy time. Kids love Maya Angelou. Dylan loves Chiawana. I love my job. Love the kids I teach. Love the Ms. Julie. Couldn't do it without her!
5. In Sept., we got a call from Shane's mom that her mother died. We knew we needed to be there. The morning we woke up to drive...Dylan complained of body aches. As we drove along, Dylan continued to complain. He was burning up! Oh NO! What else could we do? We made it to Utah and attended the funeral. The funeral was lovely!
Unfortunately, when we returned to Wa. we found out, Dylan had the SWINE FLU! I felt terrible that he had spread it to our Utah relatives! We immediately got on Tamiflu to tamper our symptoms...since we were for sure going to get them. (Driving in the car for 24hours can do it to ya!) Got home Sunday, Hunter and Katlyn got symptoms Monday and Shane and I got symptoms on Wed. We all laid around moaning and groaning. It was horrible. I couldn't imagine having the swine flu without the Tamiflu. We had two families from Utah end up getting it as well, along with Grandpa and Grandma. Felt so so bad!
6. In Oct. get a call from the school that my Katie is below average. Duh! I have known that since she was four! And....have begged for extra help from the school. I am finally going to see some action taking place, besides working hard at home. We have a meeting with her school on Friday. Cross my fingers that we can figure out how to help her. She is so sweet and good. I can always count on her at home. Her fingers and hands are good working hands. She is going to be a great mother and wife. She is loving and dependable. Not everyone gets straight A's! She learns differently. That is what we are trying to figure out! I love her!
7. Halloween, Halloween! Love holidays! This year we had a WEEK of Halloween. Katie wanted to invite friends over to an evening of Halloween fun! I was more excited for her! We had a outdoor scavenger hunt, making trick or treat bags,good food, face painting and musical chairs! Loved every minute of her cute friends. The screamed and danced and painted everyones faces!
The ward had a fabulous Halloween Carnival! And 168 trick or
treaters came to our door this year.....minus the two adults! Why do adults trick or treat? I don't get it?

Katie and her Phantom of the Opera Dead lady costume....and Hunter wanting to be just like his Sister!
Time goes on and I have learned many things from these last three months. Play with your kids...they only get older and sassier, Hard work pays off, make your spouse number one, never feel punished, the only way to get over a nasty virus it to REST!