Can't wait to see these Mom and Dad!
a href=""> The smell of these...... See these beauties.....
See this beauty.....Redlands Ca. Temple....
I'm gonna miss.....
Can't wait to read a book....and just veg!
Farwell my fellow bloggers......see you in 13 days!
Okay...Rented Juno yesterday....watched Juno alot....and still love it! But, it reminded me of my "Bleaker"! I love him! I am always posting blogs on these singers or actors that I adore...and somehow they don't even compare to my "Hunk o' Burnin" Love"!!!!! Heres' to our "Bleakers"....think of all the positive things.....and tell HIM!!!!! IN PRIVATE.....HE'LL LOVE IT!
My "Bleaker" is.....kind hearted
Dorky in a cute way! Small town Utah boy....gotta love him!
Loves the outdoors...and plays in the outdoors!
Loves me....anytime! Even when I am a "grump"
Will do things I want to.....even though he doesn't like it!
He votes for David Archuleta "70" times every tues. night! ( I wouldn't even do that!)
He is a great cook! Can make any wild animal ediable~!
David Archuleta stole this song....and will probably bring Robbie Williams to the US! Thanks to David making this song a hit here! That is why Simon knew this song~ This is the artist that wrote and sings "Angels"! He is from the UK and is their pop idol....a little crude....but I like him! He has some good songs!
I went to "Nim's Island" with my kids for a reward for deep cleaning the play room! I went, going to appease them.....but guess who is in it.... Gerard Butler!!! Oh.....and he looks good and does a great job in this kid flick! It made the entire time worth it, besides spending time with the kids! I was surpised how well I liked it! This was the first time, in all of Jodi Fosters' movie making history, I really thought she had a feminine side to her! She is a great actress! One movie I must recommend!
As for AI last night! UMMMMMM....if I were twelve again....I would have a new pretend boyfriend! His posters would be all over my walls....along with his cd blaring! HE will be THE ONE, THE WINNER!!!!
And, I have decided I am so much like my own mother, a list maker! Day after day I see how much I can get done! So far, the curtains are hung, the kids rooms are dejunked and paint touched up, the play room curtains are hung and today will be preschool focus and organizing my preschool files, May calendar done! We are leaving out of town soon and I need to feel like this week off was working not playing....Playing will be done in Cali. and Utah! Can't wait!
I am back with Davey Archuleta, again! He was Glorious! Wow! Just as Paula said it...."He has a special aura about him" It is the spirit, people!!!!! Who do you think will do outstanding this week?
I am enjoying my week off of preschool busyness! Now, I am finishing up those unfinished it is still busy....
I would love to finish reading "Heidi" with Katlyn!
Paint the stair well.
Finish hanging curtains in all the rooms.
Get ready for preschool graduation(can't stop doing preschool)
And most importantly reviewing conference on line.....loved so many different talks!