Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Do you wanna meet my "Bleaker"?

Okay...Rented Juno yesterday....watched Juno alot....and still love it! But, it reminded me of my "Bleaker"! I love him! I am always posting blogs on these singers or actors that I adore...and somehow they don't even compare to my "Hunk o' Burnin" Love"!!!!! Heres' to our "Bleakers"....think of all the positive things.....and tell HIM!!!!! IN PRIVATE.....HE'LL LOVE IT!

My "Bleaker" is.....kind hearted
Dorky in a cute way! Small town Utah boy....gotta love him!
Loves the outdoors...and plays in the outdoors!
Loves me....anytime! Even when I am a "grump"
Will do things I want to.....even though he doesn't like it!
He votes for David Archuleta "70" times every tues. night! ( I wouldn't even do that!)
He is a great cook! Can make any wild animal ediable~!
Secretly plays the guitar~!
Does anything when he puts his mind to it~!
Smells good!
Tall, Dark and handsome!

I am so glad I found you!!! I am the lucky one!
Show your "Bleaker" your list!


Heather said...

Very cute list. I don't think I knew any of that about Shane.

Jessica said...

Very cute post! You are such a cutie! I love how much you not only adore your hubby but how you let the world know, he is one lucky guy!

Brenda said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I will just have to do that...

Kris said...

This is a great list. I need to rent Juno. I've heard so many great things about it. I can't wait to see it. Your hubby sounds like he's a great guy!

Alicia Leppert said...

Jessica took my comment! That is so great that you appreciate and love your husband so much and give him the credit he deserves! That's a great picture of him, too.

tharker said...

Shane is such a great guy. And anyone that can make any wild animal edible is a keeper for sure! You're such a good wife to show him off. We love you Hatches!

One more thing. Shane was the greatest Home Teacher. I will never forget the quiet and kind acts of service that he did for us when Jake was born. Thank you Shane.

Debie Spurgeon said...

Shane is a great guy, so manly!!
I saw him at Wal-mart with the kids. You've got to love a guy that shops with his kids. Yes, you may be very blessed: but so is he.

Jan said...

What a bleaker you have. I had to take a double bleak when I saw that picture. He is handsome. And I love how he loves you. You guys are the couple of the year. So much love in this room that I am bleaking out here.
Happy Venison cooking. Yum.
Your bleaker is a keeper.

Deborama said...

So sweet, I loved that movie too! Its so fun to be a nerdy bleaker lover! I think Im the bleaker in my relationship! :)

dandee said...

Kristen, this was a great post and I'm sure you made your "bleaker" smile.

Jan said...

Kristen, you got 4th place and I am going to send a little treat your way. Thanks for all you do for us and all those beautiful children.

::lindsay said...

I liked the list about your "Bleaker!" I didn't know any of those things either.

John said...
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