Okay...Rented Juno yesterday....watched Juno alot....and still love it! But, it reminded me of my "Bleaker"! I love him! I am always posting blogs on these singers or actors that I adore...and somehow they don't even compare to my "Hunk o' Burnin" Love"!!!!! Heres' to our "Bleakers"....think of all the positive things.....and tell HIM!!!!! IN PRIVATE.....HE'LL LOVE IT!
I am so glad I found you!!! I am the lucky one!
My "Bleaker" is.....kind hearted
Dorky in a cute way! Small town Utah boy....gotta love him!
Loves the outdoors...and plays in the outdoors!
Loves me....anytime! Even when I am a "grump"
Will do things I want to.....even though he doesn't like it!
He votes for David Archuleta "70" times every tues. night! ( I wouldn't even do that!)
He is a great cook! Can make any wild animal ediable~!
Secretly plays the guitar~!
Does anything when he puts his mind to it~!
Smells good!
Tall, Dark and handsome!
I am so glad I found you!!! I am the lucky one!
Show your "Bleaker" your list!
Very cute list. I don't think I knew any of that about Shane.
Very cute post! You are such a cutie! I love how much you not only adore your hubby but how you let the world know, he is one lucky guy!
Thanks for the inspiration. I will just have to do that...
This is a great list. I need to rent Juno. I've heard so many great things about it. I can't wait to see it. Your hubby sounds like he's a great guy!
Jessica took my comment! That is so great that you appreciate and love your husband so much and give him the credit he deserves! That's a great picture of him, too.
Shane is such a great guy. And anyone that can make any wild animal edible is a keeper for sure! You're such a good wife to show him off. We love you Hatches!
One more thing. Shane was the greatest Home Teacher. I will never forget the quiet and kind acts of service that he did for us when Jake was born. Thank you Shane.
Shane is a great guy, so manly!!
I saw him at Wal-mart with the kids. You've got to love a guy that shops with his kids. Yes, you may be very blessed: but so is he.
What a bleaker you have. I had to take a double bleak when I saw that picture. He is handsome. And I love how he loves you. You guys are the couple of the year. So much love in this room that I am bleaking out here.
Happy Venison cooking. Yum.
Your bleaker is a keeper.
So sweet, I loved that movie too! Its so fun to be a nerdy bleaker lover! I think Im the bleaker in my relationship! :)
Kristen, this was a great post and I'm sure you made your "bleaker" smile.
Kristen, you got 4th place and I am going to send a little treat your way. Thanks for all you do for us and all those beautiful children.
I liked the list about your "Bleaker!" I didn't know any of those things either.
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