(Besides my nasty eye infection I can't beat!)
I had a great preschool performance. The children sang one song about giving presents away. Then they recited a cute poem, about Santa. I had three boys stand in front and sing "You're A Grand Ol' Flag" by heart! That was adorable! Then we had a sing along with the audience. While singing "Santa is Coming to Town", out jumped Santa! So fun!
Anyway......hence the title "Giver and Receiver". I want to share an lesson I learned.
I have so many wonderful preschool parents. There is one parent who is always vocalizing how much her children benefit from the preschool.
She earns extra money as a photographer. She is very talented. She took my class pictures recently and charged $8 for a 8x10 of an individual and class. They turned out fabulous! She has that photographer eye....and finger....snaps at the right moment! She spent tons of time in my classroom and at home getting these pictures ready. That is just what she does.
At the Christmas program she comes to the front of the stage and hands Ms. Julie and I an envelope. She then precedes to go on and on about how wonderful we are as teachers. She was even getting emotional. I was standing there in shock! She had taken all the money she earned from the class photos and bought Ms. Julie and I a massage at a local spa! I couldn't believe that she would donate her time and effort and the parents would give that much money to US? To ME?
I have an easy time giving....but receiving.....I swallowed my pride and Thanked her from the bottom of my heart! Wow! That is the true meaning of Christmas is... "The presents you give away".(Words from the little song I taught the kids) Ms. Julie had to stand there and give me a nudge to say something! That is a moment I will never forget!
This experience gave me a moment to reflect about the true meaning of Christmas. We all can give and receive the love and knowledge that Christ is real. I know that He lived on this earth to teach and Atone for ALL mankind. I hope to always remember to live as He did.
Merry Christmas!
It looks like you've been up to tons of fun stuff lately. How nice of that parent to donate her time to do the pictures and then treat you and Julie. There are truly just such wonderful people out there. You and Julie deserve it too, with all the hard work you put in and the love you give those children!
It was such a cute program! I am so glad I got to go. Colton was pretty excited to see Hunter too!
Oh my goodness I KNOW that song! That is an old old old song by the same lady who did "I'm a Mormon." Something Brady I think...The very best part of Christmas time the very best part I know..." Sorry.
You rock Kristen...I am sure you were worth all her time, effort and money.
That's amazing, what a wonderful example of service and kindness. I didn't know you taught with Julie, how fun is that!
I'm a receiver this year. Talk about swollowing your pride, I know what that feels like. What a great preschool mom. You work so hard and put so much love and fun into what you do. You deserve it! Sounds like a great Christmas performance. Love ya!
I am so glad that we as the parents were able to participate in this little present for you and Julie. I know I've told you before, but I can't say it enough. Jake LOVES preschool, and the growth and confidence that he has gained in just the few short months that he's been learning at your feet is invaluable to me.
Thank YOU for all that you do Kristen. You absolutely deserve to be pampered, so go and ENJOY every second of that massage! We love you!!!!
Not to be all sappy and crap, but you really do inspire me. I am glad that you are my son's teacher, I know without a doubt no one else could have gotten through all the bad to get to the amazing good this child has to offer, no one could have done it more graciously than you have. I am glad you are his teacher, and I am even more glad to know you. Okay, enough of that. Love you.
Your humility is amazing. I really think that what you do everyday with these kids comes so natural to you that you can't figure out why it's such a huge thing to everyone else. But, being on both sides of the spectrum, it really is an amazing gift that you have and that you've created an environment that allows you to share your talents is invaluable. There are a lot of other people out there who call themselves 'teachers' that don't have half your talent, love, or energy!
Thanks again for all your hard work; I know it's not an easy job! Enjoy your massage!!
It may be hard to receive, but remember that the giver thinks you're so wonderful that you deserve it!
The party was wonderful! You deserve that gift for all your amazing work! You are wonderful! Thank you!
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