Hunter starts Kindergarten! Teacher: Mrs. Siesmore
Backpack and lunch box....we are ready!
It all started out with my preschool open house. That, actually, went well. Next year I may do things different with the "new" students and have the parents have a sit down discussion about the year. The older class came and had a fun scavenger hunt...and got reacquainted! Fun night! Those kids grow up fast, just in three months! I am looking forward to starting a new year! I know people think I am lying....I really do like my job! Serious!
I was asked two weeks ago to give a talk in sacrament meeting today! The topic was "Education in the Home". I usually don't worry about giving a talk...but for some reason, this topic is serious stuff! It is a constant job of teaching our children good manners, how to get along with each other, feeling confident about themselves, teaching them the Gospel, FHE, Family Prayer, loving school, finding their talents, excelling in their talents, feeding them healthy food, speaking to them in a positive voice....the list could go on! It is hard stuff!!!
So, the week before I give this talk, I screw up big time!!! Here is the story..... My oldest, Dylan, whom everyone adores, quit football! He played last year and endured it. He dreaded it all summer long, and went to two practices last week. He came home mad, sad, and hated the world!!! I told him that is how life is. We don't like things in life, but when we commit to something, you have to stick to it! So he goes to the next practice, he is still so mean and grumpy! Crying begins....."I don't like it, but I don't want to quit!!" I actually told him he has to make the choice. If he is going to be grumpy this whole season....then quit! I gave him the easy way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so mad at myself for not standing strong! Yet, he is getting old enough now that I want him to make his own decision! I guess I wanted him to stick to it, I want him to do a sport and learn all that there is about football. I just feel sick inside thinking that my son quit! I know his football skills aren't going to take him far in life. He wouldn't get a scholarship. It is hard to see your children not do something you want them to do.
He felt terrible, but I told him all of his good qualities. He is a great leader, he does excellent in school, he plays the piano like nobodies business! He is very obedient! I guess I just need to let this go.......and roll with it!
My next parental Hunter. I have lived this before with Dylan. I know it will pass with age. But, everyday before school starts, Hunter is throwing up! does it to him every time there is a change! Should I feed him lunch before minutes he will throw it up? He is going to be starving! So, once again, I teach my son the breathing techniques I learned as a child and what I taught Dylan. I took him to school Thursday, and he was standing in line to go in, and he started to do the gagging motions! I run him to the grass so he can "release" his nerves! I quietly go up to this brand new teacher and say...."My son throws up when he is nervous, so just tell him to run to the bathroom!" She looked at me, like, "Are you kidding?" Ummmm, no! He hasn't thrown up in his class.....but PLEASE have this end soon! Poor little guy!
So...."the sand of the hour glass" of raising boys with anxiety!!! I want them to be strong.......and I want them to succeed! They will, I know!! We all have our "things"! Just wanted to share my feelings! To get it off my chest! Isn't that is what blogging is for?
My talk went well. I didn't want to cry....but did!
I can go on.....parents make mistakes.....we do and say stupid things. I hope to teach more good things to my children than bad!
Cheers!!! To another week of parenting!!!!!!!!